600 Ridgewood Rd, Maplewood, NJ
The schedule of events for Holy Week:
Palm Sunday
On April 1st at 10:30 a.m. we will celebrate Palm Sunday in worship with the distribution of palms and special music offered by the chancel choir. Pastor Chris will preach a special message, "Renew our Hope,"exploring the Palm Sunday story and a current take on where we invest our hope.
Maundy Thursday - Seder/Garden Service
The Jewish Seder is a special family meal held on the first evening of Passover, recounting the Israelites’ journey to freedom from slavery in Egypt. On this night, our seder experience will provide the context for Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before he was betrayed and handed over to Roman authorities. Join us on Thursday, April 5th, as we share in a family seder meal, celebrate communion and conclude our time in the chapel garden, marking Jesus’ time spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. Service to follow at 8 p.m.
Good Friday - Service of the Tenebrae
Tenebrae is Latin for shadow, or darkness and refers to a traditional Good Friday service where lights are extinguished as the story of Jesus' arrest, trial and crucifixion are read. We will hold a service of Tenebrae, Friday, April 6th at 8 p.m., which will conclude in the Morrow Church tradition of nailing prayers of confession to the cross.
Easter Sunday
Celebrate the Risen Christ with us on Easter Sunday, April 8th, at 10:30 a.m. Our worship service will feature our expanded chancel choir, A-Pealing Bells, and brass. Rev. Chris Heckert will offer his final sermon in his Lenten sermon series, “Renew,” entitled “Renew our Life”, lifting up the promise of renewed life that the Easter holds for each of us.