Time: 7:00 pm–11:00 pm
Solo(s) Project House presents:
May 25, 2012 - July 1, 2012
Opening Reception:
FRIDAY, May 25, 2012
7 - 11pm
Refreshments + After Party
provided by Hell's Kitchen Lounge
Also: View NEW Lobby Installation
by David Oquendo
Solo(s) Project House
972 Broad St.
Newark, New Jersey
Solo(s) Project House presents to you DER FEHLER: "You Write It In Your Hands". The exhibition will live from May 25, 2012 - July 1, 2012 and opens with a reception May 25th from 7 -11pm
Der Fehler (The Mistake) is a pseudonymous created in 2001 by a collective, a German duo graduated from Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. This entity was publicly assumed in 2005. Over time it evolved into an ongoing project that maintained continuity of the artistic identity, consistent with the original concept, despite occasional changes in team membership.
The collective sees Der Fehler as a “shrewd, a rebellious, amusing and ageless character”, focusing on political and social questions, with a critical and ironical approach.
Der Fehler's work is known by its large-scale canvas prints and installations - often of a pamphleteer nature - exploring political iconography, producing illustration and graphic imagery. Most of his work is created and produced, exclusively, through the use of digital processes.
ABOUT The Solo(s) Project House
The original Latin and Greek roots of PROJECT mean "something that comes before anything else happens", and that is precisely what Solo(s) Project House is in a nutshell; evolving projects around a completed one. A space where gallery and studio are elbow to elbow, where the rigors of creation are coupled with the satisfaction of completion. The gallery is a sound stage upon which the house residents can imagine their months of creativity displayed from beginning to end. A true partner in the exhibit process, the artists are commissioned with a curatorial role that gives the visitor a 360 degree view of the creators vision. Far from an original white walled space, SPH is a home for experimental installations, avante-garde performance art and a myriad of media art. With an ever evolving pool of artists from various cultural and personal experiences SPH is a true melting pot of artistic expression.
SPH is located at 972 Broad St. in the arts district of downtown Newark, NJ. It is free and open to the public, wed - Friday from 12 - 6pm.