Location: Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel
432 Scotland Rd, South Orange, NJ
432 Scotland Rd, South Orange, NJ
Weekly on Sundays
Time: 9:30 am–10:30 am
Time: 9:30 am–10:30 am
Facilitated by Stacey Shames
$12 per session or $60 for all six sessions purchased in advance
All levels are welcome as we learn the basics of Vinyasa style slow flow yoga. The routine practice of vinyasa yoga can increase muscle strength, endurance and flexibility, and reduce levels of stress. Come to Temple and stretch, relax, breathe & move. You will leave feeling rejuvenated.
Website: http://tsti.org
Phone: 973-763-4116
Email: thorowitz@tstinj.org
Price: $12 per session or $60 for all six sessions