5 Mead St, South Orange, NJ
Time: 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Auditions for kids in Grades K-8 for all roles in Charlotte's Web, presented by interACT Theatre Productions.
Callbacks will be Saturday, October 27 at 1 p.m.
Shona Roebuck will direct the production. "I am so excited to be directing interACT's first children's production! Charlotte's Web is a childhood favorite of mine, and I think this poignant story of friendship speaks to all, young and old,” she said.
Roebuck is looking for children enrolled in grades K-8 for the productions. Appointments are strongly suggested and may be made online @ interACT Auditions.
Walk-ins are welcome and will be seen at first available time slot.
Performance dates are February 1-February 3, 2013.
Auditions will be held at The Baird Theater, 5 Mead St. 3rd Floor, South Orange. Parents will be required to attend a parent informational meeting Saturday, November 3 at 1 p.m.
General rehearsals will be held Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons.