Time: 9:00 am–4:00 pm
Essex County CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates, will be conducting training classes this fall for volunteers interested in becoming child advocates for children in foster care in Essex County. The 33 hour training course will be offered in November from November 13th through December 10th. Please start signing up now.
Court Appointed Special Advocates are volunteers appointed by the Family Court to gather information about a child’s needs while in foster care and to represent a “child’s voice in court”. For the almost 2,500 foster children in Essex County, their time in out-of-home placement can often be lessened and their chances for trauma recovery greater through the presence of trained CASA Child Advocates.
In order to be considered for the volunteer training, interested applicants need to complete an application, an interview and background check. For information on volunteering with Essex County CASA and the training classes, contact Carol Costello, Volunteer Director at: 973-648-3351, ccostello@casaessex.org or visit the website at: www.casaessex.org.