Time: 7:30 pm–10:30 pm
The Murder Mystery Company, the nation's number one interactive theater troupe, Kicks off their winter season with their award winning show, "Death at the Doo-Wop". Grab your Poodle Skirts and Horn-Rimmed glasses; the class of 1957 is having one killer prom! Before the king and queen can have their first dance, tragedy strikes! You’ll play detective in this swell interactive murder mystery dinner. Can you bring the true killer to justice before this sock-hop prom is ruined? Golly Gosh!
Tickets are $60/ Person. Mention this website and get your tickets for only $45!
For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit our website @ http://www.grimprov.com/Murder-Mystery-Dinner-New-Jersey-Manhattan/ or call us at (888) 643-2583 and talk to one of our skilled detectives today!!