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2 Convent Rd, Morristown, NJ
Time: 7:30pm–10:00pm
Share the joy of singing with The Masterwork Chorus
First Rehearsal and Auditions: September 1, 2010
The Masterwork Chorus announces auditions for new members for its 2010-2011 season. Experienced choral singers with strong vocal and sight-reading skills are encouraged to audition.
The first rehearsal for the 2010-2011 season is at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 1, in the Xavier Center on the Campus of the College of St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, NJ. Prospective members are invited to attend this first rehearsal, during which auditions may be arranged with Music Director Andrew Megill for the evening of Thursday, September 2. Auditions are held at the Xavier Center.
For further information, please contact Becky Adams, Membership Chair, at 908-420-6869 or beckyb491@, or visit the Masterwork website: