17 Parker Ave, Maplewood, NJ
Time: 10:00am–4:00pm
How can we deal with the extremism attacking social, religious and political structures in all democracies without destroying their way of life? Come prepared to argue with our scholars as they discuss this conflict. Lectures are 7:30 p.m. Mondays at Columbia High School.
Monday, Oct. 18: Political and Social Extremes in the U.S.
Dr. BENJAMIN BARBER, president and director of the International NGO CivWorld. A renowned political theorist, he is best known for his passionate defense of a vibrant civil society. He is the author of 15 books, including the bestseller Jihad vs. McWorld.
Monday, Oct. 25: Do the Media Thrive on Extremism?
ALLAN SLOAN, veteran journalist, senior editor-at-large for Fortune Magazine since 2007; from 1995 on he was Wall Street editor at Newsweek Magazine. Popular TV show guest on Charlie Rose, the Colbert Report and others. Seven- time winner of the Gerald Loeb Award, business journalism's highest honor.
Monday, Nov. 1: Religious Extremists: A Global Phenomenon!
DR. CHISTOPHER TAYLOR, chairman of the Department of Religious Studies, Drew University. He served as director of the Center for Arabic Study Abroad (CASA) and as instructor of Near Eastern Studies at Yale University. Newly appointed director of the Drew University Center on Religion, Culture and Conflict.
Monday, Nov.8: Extremism Abroad: Threat or Promise?
Dr. RALPH BUULTJENS, professor of Politics, History and Economics at Oxford University, NYU, and formerly of the New School. Buultjens is a well-known media commentator and adviser to world leaders. He is the recipient of the prestigious Toynbee Award for Achievements in Social Sciences.