Time: 9:00am–12:00pm
Kids v Cancer is a foundation formed in memory of Jacob Froman, who lost a very valiant fight against brain cancer a little over two years ago. Our sale this year falls right on Jacob's birthday, May 21st.
Proceeds will once again benefit Kids v Cancer (www.kidsvcancer.org), which promotes, among other amazing projects, getting increased funding put toward finding cures for childhood cancers.
We hope you might be able to contribute some children’s books your family has outgrown, or perhaps a batch of your favorite homemade goodies, to the cause. Or maybe you’d just like to come to our sale. The Kids v. Cancer Book Sale Bake Sale will be held on Saturday, May 21, from 9am to 12 noon, at our place: 38 Plymouth Avenue in Maplewood. If you would like to donate books (children’s only, please), you may give them to us, drop them off on our porch, or ask us to pick them up any time between now and then (the sooner the better, as we’ll organize them by age and type). Please bring baked goods by either that morning or the day before. And please come to our sale that Saturday morning. Of course, John's making lattes, too, which may be the main draw for some of us. If you do think you might be able to contribute something, please let us know so that we can have a sense of what we’ll have.
All books remaining at sale's end will be donated to the Orange Book Pantry, which provides free books to children who otherwise might not have books of their own. It, too, is a terrific organization.