49 Washington St, Newark, NJ
Celebrate the Holiday Season through the Gift of Giving!
Five-day sale starts November 16; 20% discount on all merchandise.
Shopping Spree hours:
Wed., Nov. 16, Noon–6 pm
Thurs., Nov. 17, Noon–8 pm
(Happy Hour 6–8 pm)
Fri., Nov. 18, Noon–6 pm
Sat., Nov. 19 & Sunday, Nov. 20,
10 am–5 pm
Unique Gifts: Jewelry, fashions, books, decorative objects, ornaments,
quilts, cards, calendars, toys for all ages
Many items this year are inspired by the Museum's collections and exhibitions:
• Tibet Collection Centennial
• Patchwork from Folk Art to Fine Art
• Ajiaco: Stirrings of the Cuban Soul
• Posing Beauty: African American Images
from the 1890s to the Present
Special Members-Only shopping hours with refreshments:
Wednesday, November 16, 10 am–Noon
Gift certificates and memberships are available.
Free Gift Wrap
Only 3.5% Sales Tax
Co-sponsored by the Newark Museum Volunteer Organization, with special support
provided by the Newark Museum Business and Community Council.