13 Jefferson Ave, Maplewood, NJ
Time: 10:00 am
Our School District is closed for MLK Day Monday, January 16th. Bring the kids to the Y for a "Mad Science" Day!
At 10 a.m., the "Spin, Pop, Boom!" program will begin. This 45-minute presentation let's the "Genie out of the bottle", touches on gravity, inertia and explores the effects of heat on sound as well as on liquids -- as a result there are lots of exothermic reactions in this show. The scientific process is reinforced throughout as children participate in a Centrifugal Force Platform, Bungee jump, listen to Didgeridoo Tubes, and observe our rainbow maker. Members of the audience will participate in a number of the experiments!
The remainder of the day will be filled with assorted, recreational activities! Be sure to pack a lunch, but afternoon snack will be provided.
Click here for a registration form.